Transition Energy

Electric Vehicles

What is your current EV status?

I'm considering buying an EV

We'll show you how much you can save by switching from gas to EV, your potential rebates, and charging options.


I own an EV and want to look at charging options and rebates

We'll show you your potential rebates, and how much you can save by using solar energy to charge your EV.


We provide EV charging solutions

Our team of EV experts is here to help you

Everyone is taking notice of the advantages of using electricity to power our transportation. Financial incentives make it even better!

Take advantage of all the rebates and incentives

Clean Renewable Energy
The best source of energy, one that is cost effective and better for the planet.
Lower cost of fuel
Using solar energy to charge your EV at home can lower your cost of fuel by an astounding 80%.
Price Hike Protection
Electric company rates rise every year, with solar there is a predictable cost.
Getting off the grid
Becoming energy independent and leading the world into a better sustainable future.
Increase home value
On average, solar panels raise a home's value by 4.1% across the U.S
Federal and State Tax Credits
Deduct 26 percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes

Solar panel installation is not the only thing we do right.


Here is our home solar process

Start with a professional Free Consultation

We start with a professional fast and free consultation. Get consultation in as little as 24 hours.


Get System Designs and Savings Estimates

We will digitally measure your roof and find the best placement for your solar panels.

Approval and Installation

Once approved, certified technicians will ensure your system is installed right so you can begin seeing the benefits.


We offer more energy efficiency solutions

Solar batteries
Electric vehicles
Energy bill analysis

Get started with a free consultation today!

Free Savings Estimate